Exploratory study of the aesthetic properties of seaweed. Inspired by my internship at Søuld.

Seaweed is nature's leftover material - it's relatively useless when washed up on the beach. Thus, in this project, I have examined how to transform these remnants into aesthetic materials for industrial design, fostering a deeper connection between the products we surround ourselves with and nature. I've worked with both seaweed and eelgrass as materials, experimenting with seaweed bioplastics to explore innovative and aesthetic applications that stand out from traditional natural materials which tend to be mundane and brown. Furthermore, I've drawn from my seaweed bioplastics to inspire abstract furniture designs, providing insight into the potential of seaweed in a conceptual context.

Seaweed Bioplastics
My initial goal was to create a material robust enough to serve as a substitute for some of the composite materials commonly used in products today, such as MDF. However, due to time constraints, I opted to focus solely on exploring the aesthetic properties of seaweed. I conducted experiments using different types of seaweed and bioplastic recipes to examine their aesthetic attributes. Conclusion: Seaweed bioplastics can exhibit relatively appealing aesthetics. For instance, when seaweed naturally curls in an organic manner as it dries, or when a specific type of seaweed imparts a reddish-orange hue to the material.

Abstract Inspiration Sketches
There's something intriguing about the organic, perforated, and transparent material samples that inspires me. To capture this essence, I've printed images of my material samples and traced over them using a lightbox. The outcome has led to abstract sketches that I've further developed.

Contextual Sketches
Interpretation and further development of the abstract drawings on the previous page, providing an idea of how to incorporate seaweed in a context/product design.

Mockups of some of the sketches on the previous page. I find there's something captivating when seaweed becomes part of furniture in this manner. The organic and vibrant expression in the furniture stands out significantly from the commercial pieces one is accustomed to seeing.